
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At Wood Monk, we are committed to protecting the privacy of anyone who visits and accesses our website. The following policy tells you, the visitor, how we aim to protect the privacy of any visitors to our website.

Information We Collect How We Use Your Information

When you willingly provide us with your personal information via the contact form on our website, we use it only to fulfill your requests and/or respond to your enquiry.

We may contact you in the future via the email address or telephone numbers you provide to us to update you about our products unless you specifically request us not to do so.

Your personal information is not disclosed to any third party unless necessary to fulfill your request

Automated collection and use of data

Our website server automatically collects certain browsing data of anyone visiting our website to track and monitor website usage and enhance website performance for a better end-user experience. Such data will be for the sole use of Wood Monk Limited and may include:

  • ○ The Internet service provider’s domain name or IP address from which our website is visited
  • ○ Data and time when our site was visited.
  • ○ Time of usage
  • ○ The type and version of the computer’s operating system and web browser that is being used to view our website
  • ○ Selection of pages or sections of the website viewed
  • ○ Documents downloaded from the website
  • ○ The Internet address of the website viewed immediately before our website

As noted above, browsing and server data may be accessed by a third party appointed by us to maintain and administer the Website. However, when doing so, we do not disclose any personal information or the identity of such third-party visitors. Any third parties we employ must comply with the above data protection standards.

Information Collected at Third-party sites

There may be links to other websites and/or advertisements on our website. We have no authority or control over the privacy policies of such external websites. Any visitor who follows a link to our website should independently confirm and be aware of the privacy policy and/or security of the external site as the privacy policy of such other websites is fully consistent with our privacy policy. May differ from. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of any external websites to which links are provided on our website.


We use cookies on this site. However, using cookies does not reveal any personal information on our site. A cookie is a small bit of information that is saved on a visitor’s computer hard drive to give them better access to websites they have already visited. Cookies help identify browsing information. If you visit our website, information may be saved to your computer through these cookies which enables us to automatically identify your computer during your next visit to our homepage. This helps us improve your browsing experience.

Changes in Our Policy

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time, so before using our website, please review our privacy statement.


Any visitor to our website confirms that he/she has fully read and understood our Privacy Policy and is satisfied with it before visiting our website. Browsing our website constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions.